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You play the role of a 16 year old boy who lives in the village of Fishbel and aspires to be a great fisherman, like your father Borkano. Once The Hero and his friends Keifer and Maribel start exploring Estard Island, they discover that there used to be more to the world than just their small piece of land. They'll have to collect ancient tablet shards and use them to revive the lost continents to uncover what happened and who erased it to begin with.

  • Detailed backgrounds can be rotated 360 degrees
  • Fully animated monsters in battle.
  • Over 100 hours of game play.
  • Improved AI system
  • Recreate the world and build your own town.
  • Hundreds of new and old monsters
  • Capture a monster's Heart to use their abilities.
  • 160 jobs to master and hundreds of abilities to learn!

Shdwwrym's Dragon Warrior VII FAQ Shard Locations Colorstone Mine East Tower
Mt. Flame Mt. Ceide MechSoldier's Base Marshy Cave
Mountain Cave Lake Cave Western Cave Prison Cave
Passage to Dharma Evil Statue Sacred Tree Roots Time Pocket Cave
Mountain Tower Underwater City Tallest Tower Mountain Gateway
Tower of Darkness Loomin Well Cave Waterfall Cave  

Sorry, we haven't received any common questions on Dragon Warrior VII yet.

DQ Shrine Exclusive Screen Shots
Monster Park
Capture monsters in battle and send them to your very own monster park. Find out what's on your monster's minds by visiting them on the inside.

A lamp that no longer dreams of genie.
Curse Lamps also get lonely…

Screen Shots

Hero by the Church Hero in 'da house! Still in the House At the Church Again
Fishbel Still at the Church Inside the Castle  
Special thanks goes to Enix for the screen shots and information!

Dragon Warrior Monsters 2: Cobi's Journey and Tara's Adventure
Dragon Warrior I+II GBC
Dragon Warrior III GBC
Torneko: The Last Hope

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